martes, mayo 26, 2009

About the last post...

I was tempted to publish it again...yeah. Don't know why. Don't know if it has any sense to write down that pathetic plight just to feel a little relief. But anyway, I'm writing about it, so it is almost like if I was writing it again. I was saying days ago that every people has the potential of being completely unrational. Part of a theory of mine. The idea came after I read the post of a friend (I would link it, but the blog is private) and after chattin through msn. But how does it relate with this post? Well, after a deep thinking (ok, just a little thinking) I came to the conclusion that every feeling is completely unrational (I discovered the sun!!). I don't know what is the purpose of the feelings. If it something related with evolution, I think nature screwed it up. What is their purpose? I don't know. I don't know why do I need what I wrote in my last post. But I need it. I don't know why do I need to feel something for the people that I care. But I need it. Don't even know why do I need to be cared about, loved, cheered, huged. I don't know. And I feel completely overwhelmed for my incapacity to manage that sensations. I mean, I feel, that is sure. It just seems to be that something is wrong with me. And that is a problem I cannot solve. People that I see, friends of mine, school mates, work mates; they seem to manage their feelings in some sort of "natural" way. Effortless. I struggle everyday. I fight everyday. And every night. With situations like the one I posted before this one. And it's difficult. It is very difficult to be feeling hurt, lonely and thinking no one can understand me. Even though the evidence tells me that I am not alone, I feel that way. Alienated. Don't know how to fix it. Don't know how to fix me. And I just look again at the people I mentioned, friends, family, etc. and I wish to be like that. I look at some friends blogs, messengers, facebooks, myspaces, pictures and all of it is a painful reminder of what I'm not. And what I wish to be. Things should be wrong if I wish to be what I am not. Anyway it's late now...

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