miércoles, enero 24, 2007

domingo, enero 14, 2007

Por un instante

Realmente no se me ocurre nada mejor. Por un instante todas esas pequeñas gotas permanecieron suspendidas, estáticas, por un instante se detuvo el tiempo, la gente, el viento, el agua, la tierra. Solo por un instante, nada importó, más que ese único instante. No importaba nada más.

Just here

Doing not so much, trying to get some sleep. Wasting the time that was supposed to get a rest and hang out. Having or trying to have some fun. But just here again, overthinking, overfeeling. Overwriting. (Does all that words really exist?) Nevertheless is getting late (or early)

jueves, enero 11, 2007

Comes and goes.

Of the mood. The state of mind and heart. It's like climbing a mountain for the view, thinking that you can accomplish everything you want, liking everything you are, enjoying everything that is or can be, just to realize that nothing makes sense, and then you drop in a free fall........just to smash in the ground.

It is so hard to realize? It is so hard to accept? It is so hard to live? Ja. Just seems that I am dropping new years purposes. Difficult to understand. Even for someone whom has been recognized by being smart...again: JA.

Just seems that this has no end. Losing after losing. Does it make sense all of these just for an instant of bliss, which is life...an instant of bliss, and an eternity of pain after pain.

It just doesn't make sense at all.

Into the West - Annie Lennox

lunes, enero 08, 2007


I don't know if that is well written. But it represents exactly why I am trying to say. Crazyness. I often joke about that I am crazy. Suddenly I thought "what if". What if I were crazy? Insane. Sometimes I wish that, because I think that I wouldn't have to deal with my problems, my issues, the fear and the anxiety. The past that doesn't let me go on, and the future which scares me.

It's amazing that I have such thoughts. Five years ago, I wasn't thinking too much. I was worried about the future, I was caring of the past, but mainly, living in the present time, the only time that exists and counts.

Now, I am still confused, in recovery I guess (and hope).

But still lost and confused.

See you.

domingo, enero 07, 2007

La mejor entrada de 2006.

Revisando lo que pseudopublique (eso de pseudo es de cierta persona -muy querido amigo por cierto- que tiene cierta manía de adoptar las frases de modo que ahora yo adopto las suyas) me doy cuenta de que este blog estuvo muy nuboso, algo oscuro, en cierto modo triste y melancólico. Pero a pesar de ello, encuentro al menos una entrada interesante, diferente, que dice o muestra al autor de este blog en la faceta que esconde debajo de sus enfermedades mentales (sic). De modo que yo elijo esta entrada como la mejor:

My so called art.

Como siempre se aceptan opiniones y comentarios de los....5 lectores asiduos.

Frases de fin de año (no es que me sienta muy orgulloso)

¡Maldita sea!
Me lleva pifas.
Podría ser peor.

Blanca sábana

Y casi al fin de año el cielo te cubrió con un blanco manto....................aunque es cierto. No estás ahi. El manto vino de donde tu estas.....

jueves, enero 04, 2007

Recuento I

Algunos recuentos de 2006. Aunque no se muy bien si este deba ir en El Sueño del Mapache o en El Continuum pero en fin.

La sustancia de 2006:

Clorhidrato de Flouxetina