miércoles, mayo 09, 2007

Good Evening.

As you may have noticed, I put out some entries. By the way thanks. I looked for help and I guess I am doing better. I was going to write some other stuff, but now, it is forgotten. All I know is about that I feel like weeks ago. Nervous, like a lion in a cage. Thinking (maybe too much, maybe just enough). Asking myself. In sometimes losing against the feelings that assault me. But right now, my mind is busy, not with the desicions that I took, but with the decisions that I am taking. A lot of people told me: do what you must to do to be happy, you worry too much, go, fly, try, don't be afraid of mistakes, never is late. Some of my paradigms are still making noises in my mind...some of those advices were just that, advices, but they are also making sound.

I took a decision again. I am deeply worried about it. I have mistaken before. I do not know if it is right. I do not know if it is going to help me to become the person that I want to be, or even If I am going to live to see that.

But I shall give myself the chance. One of the chances that I didn't give me in the past.

I just hope this path lead me to light.....

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