As usual the strange thought to close the night or the dawn, depends on the point of view. As usual writing from the loneliness of my room. Do I chose loneliness or does loneliness choose me? It's a valid question. I cannot say that I don't have friends, because I have them, I have great friends actually and I am knowing new people at school, people that have interesting and different views and that I'm starting to care. I do have a family, a good caring family. I do not hunger nor thirst.
Then why I feel awkward? Then why I feel that I don't belong to anywhere? that I can't understand people and people can't understand me? That despite I have friends, I pass much of my time bored, sad and alone. That I don't feel enthusiasm anylonger.
Then, came to me this thought: loneliness choses me, and even embrace me. And even twists the reality. Reality doesn't match the way it should. The first paragraphs shows the reality as most of the people would look at if I would tell the. Second paragraph shows how do I feel about that reality.
I'm still hoping.