Hitomi wo fuseruto
Jibun ga mishiranu tanin ninattaki
Kanashiihodo chippokena
Sukuwaretaikara tameiki wo tsukuno
Kakidashite Shimatta kodoku no kehai
no kazu wo tada kazoeteita.
It's like I'll disappear as soon as I close my eyesOne of the worse things of believing in a stereotype (or archetipe if you prefer the term from Carl G. Jung) is that sometimes, you assume it so deeply, and really assimilate that kind of personality. And so what?
I feel like I've turned into someone that even I don´t recognize
Sadly, I become so small
I want to be rescued, but instead of sighing
I vomited up my loneliness, and just lay there, measuring it all up.
Well, being someone involves more variables and factors than those which are supossed. Instead of saying "I Am" think about saying " I am BEING". None of us are an static result, or a finished "product". We are always changing in many ways. Or course that is necesary a consistent basis of beliefs, values, philosophy, but it doesn't means that you have to be attached to an idea or thought for ever. Life is evolution, growing, and it implies to change on a congruent way to the circunmstances.
But what happens when the change comes and you are not ready?
What happen when you apparentely lose you "raison d'être"? When all that you have been is fading away and you don't know what to do? Or better said, when you don't know what are you.
How is possible to cling to the life, when you lose your life role? If everything is drifting away.
All these questions are the answers -my answers, for my inner questions- to one that I made yesterday...."why do you write about isolation, loneliness and sadness".
I don't know why do we complain...All of us are together in a certain way..
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