Hace poco me llego un correo cadena. A mis contactos les he dicho hasta el cansancio que no me envíen esa clase de información. Respecto de todas las cartas cadenas les he dicho que por favor no sean ilusos. Esto me llego este día.
La sociedad Ericsson distribuye gratuitamente computadores
portátiles con la intención de contrarrestar a Nokia que ha
hecho lo mismo como estrategia de mercadeo. Ericsson tiene
como objetivo fundamental aumentar su popularidad, por este
motivo Ericsson distribuye gratuitamente el nuevo computador
portátil WAP.
Todo lo que hay que hacer es enviar este e-mail a ocho de tus
conocidos y en aproximadamente tres semanas, recibirás un
portátil Ericsson T18.
Si el mensaje es enviado a veinte personas o mas puedes
correr con la suerte de recibir un portátil Ericsson R320.
Para hacer efectiva esta oportunidad es importante que tome
en cuenta que debe enviar su e-mail con copia a:
Es importante tener claro que no se trata de una broma.
Compruébelo, dése gusto, regálese un computador portátil.
Buena suerte.
Ahora no me queda más que decir.
viernes, junio 30, 2006
miércoles, junio 28, 2006
On nights...
On nights, like these, when the world's a bit amiss
and the lights go down...across the trailer park.
I get down. I feel had.
I feel on the verge of going mad.
And then it's time to punch clock...
I look back, on where I'm from. And then I look what I became. And I still don't know what's going on.
I remember that I always seemed to be worried about something in different ages... But when I look back, I always seem happier than today.
and the strangest things seem, suddenly routine...I am losing...
martes, junio 27, 2006
One ring to Rule them All.

Fomalhaut: La boca del pez.
lunes, junio 26, 2006
sábado, junio 24, 2006
Hace un año, en este mismo lugar.
¡Oh cereal!, alimento glorioso
pequeño, práctico y sabroso.
Deliciosas hojuelas tostadas
de diversos cereales envasadas
En caja y en bolsa siempre presente
en la lista de compra del super de enfrente
Avena y maiz. Arroz o granola
te consumimos a toda hora.
Primer alimento del dia
rapido cuando andamos en correrias
Ansia loca, hambre traviesa
por las tardes a mala hora empieza
y es el cereal, guardado en la alacena
el que calma el antojo hasta la hora de la cena
Intestino flojo,
problema embarazoso
la fibra existente,
lo termina para siempre.
¡Oh cereal! Comida versátil
gracias por hacer mi vida más fácil.
¡Oh cereal!, alimento glorioso
pequeño, práctico y sabroso.
Deliciosas hojuelas tostadas
de diversos cereales envasadas
En caja y en bolsa siempre presente
en la lista de compra del super de enfrente
Avena y maiz. Arroz o granola
te consumimos a toda hora.
Primer alimento del dia
rapido cuando andamos en correrias
Ansia loca, hambre traviesa
por las tardes a mala hora empieza
y es el cereal, guardado en la alacena
el que calma el antojo hasta la hora de la cena
Intestino flojo,
problema embarazoso
la fibra existente,
lo termina para siempre.
¡Oh cereal! Comida versátil
gracias por hacer mi vida más fácil.
viernes, junio 23, 2006
With or without you.
See the stone set in your eyes
See the thorn twist in your side
I wait for you
Sleight of hand and twist of fate
On a bed of nails she makes me wait
And I wait without you
With or without you
With or without you
Through the storm we reach the shore
You give it all but I want more
And Im waiting for you
With or without you
With or without you
I cant live
With or without you
And you give yourself away
And you give yourself away
And you give
And you give
And you give yourself away
My hands are tied
My body bruised, shes got me with
Nothing to win and
Nothing left to lose
And you give yourself away
And you give yourself away
And you give
And you give
And you give yourself away
With or without you
With or without you
I cant live
With or without you
With or without you
With or without you
I cant live
With or without you
With or without you
jueves, junio 22, 2006
I was realizing....
That I feel anxious since december 2004. I had a little breeze of happiness on January 23th. I alzo realize that I was somehow happy between february and march of 2005. As I told before...everything went down on may 2005. And now I realize that I cannot.....
domingo, junio 18, 2006
Sometimes life seems to be only a sucession of tragedies, sorrow and sadness. Most of the time...
And that is when I think, and think, and think. And I ask myself Why? And I know that I won't get any answer. Nobody in this universe can answer such question. At that moment, I answer myself. There is no point on this existence...
I turn everywhere and everything seems to be a futile effort to win a race or a competion against unhappiness. But is impossible to win. Everything is useless. Sooner or later...disgrace will reach you, and then you will be living with it. I do not deny that sometimes might be happiness and joy, but then I think again. What's the point, if it won't last enough....It will be never enough, even if it last a hundred years.
And then the sorrow will reign the life. When you laugh, there will be sorrow underneath..When you love, there is loneliness underneath.
Some people say: ok, then live, live and try to enjoy the most.
But is useless..when it is all over, you will not exist anymore, so It won't matter.
And that is when I think, and think, and think. And I ask myself Why? And I know that I won't get any answer. Nobody in this universe can answer such question. At that moment, I answer myself. There is no point on this existence...
I turn everywhere and everything seems to be a futile effort to win a race or a competion against unhappiness. But is impossible to win. Everything is useless. Sooner or later...disgrace will reach you, and then you will be living with it. I do not deny that sometimes might be happiness and joy, but then I think again. What's the point, if it won't last enough....It will be never enough, even if it last a hundred years.
And then the sorrow will reign the life. When you laugh, there will be sorrow underneath..When you love, there is loneliness underneath.
Some people say: ok, then live, live and try to enjoy the most.
But is useless..when it is all over, you will not exist anymore, so It won't matter.
jueves, junio 15, 2006
Las sabias palabras del Reverendo Alegría.
"This so called new religion is nothing but a pack of weird rituals and chants designed to take away the money of fools. Let us say the Lord's prayer 40 times, but first let's pass the collection plate."
Traduciendo al Castellano:
"Esta asi llamada nueva religión no es más que un montón de rituales extraños y cánticos diseñados para quitarle el dinero a los tontos. Mejor recémos la oración del Señor 40 veces , pero primero, pasaremos la canastilla de las limosnas".
Blogged with Flock
martes, junio 13, 2006
miércoles, junio 07, 2006
Situación de bloqueo total.....esperando remediarla en el curso de los próximos dias...hasta entonces...
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