Hay momentos en que me gustaría mandar a todo el Universo al demonio. Se sentiria genial al menos por un instante. Un instante que incluya el dejar toda pretensión social, cultural o de cualquier otro tipo y simplemente ser tu mismo. Se dice constantemente: "se tu mismo".
¿Es acaso alguien realmente "si mismo"?
La verdad no lo creo.
Inconscientemente y muy a pesar de lo que se diga, siempre estamos tratando de conciliar las distintas realidades alternativas. En esencia, podemos ser la misma persona, mas sin embargo, adoptamos diferentes actitudes.
Asi es. Ser tu mismo en unidad, no en multiplicidad.
El estar atrapado en los distintos dilemas de tu existencia. Buscando consciente o inconscientemente la aceptación de un grupo (quién diga que no le gusta ser parte de algo, ya sea de una comunidad, sociedad, familia, amigos o pareja, tiene cierta duda de mi parte jeje)
Valoro mi ser como individuo, (a pesar de los problemas de autoestima, aunque parezca contradictorio) y quiero mostrar ese valor a los demas sin miedo (tal vez ahi este el problema).
La cuestión es que por lo general uno teme mostrarse. Mostramos distintas partes de nosotros ante distintas personas, en distintas situaciones.
¡O me diran que se comportan exactamente igual en el trabajo, escuela, hogar, calle, o con los amigos, o con la pareja? ¿O se comportan igual con ciertos amigos que con otros?
Hasta esto nos ha llevado el prejuicio. La incapacidad de pensar más alla de nuestra diminuta circunstancia. La falta de habilidad de ponerse en la situación del otro y ver asi, su perspectiva, su punto de vista y su sentir.
Este prejuicio, que nos ha hecho deshumanizar a buena parte del mundo, tachandolos de malos, depravados, disidentes; solo por el hecho de ser diferentes a nosotros.
¿Qué caso tiene?
No lo comprendo...
Ni lo comprendere, puesto que no guarda lógica en ningun modo.
Solo espero poder ser alguna vez yo, mi Yo totalmente ante aquellos que aprecio y amo.
Y tambien, ante todos ustedes, mis hermanos humanos, puesto que por este solo hecho son dignos de mi aprecio.
domingo, octubre 30, 2005
domingo, octubre 23, 2005
Sky Falls.
Literally. In South Mexico and the Caribbean. In Florida....Must be aware about the things that we are doing to the planet..
But also.
Sky falls here inside me. Over me...
It's a beautiful day
Sky falls, you feel like
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
Only music keeps my mind normal....
But also.
Sky falls here inside me. Over me...
It's a beautiful day
Sky falls, you feel like
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
Only music keeps my mind normal....
domingo, octubre 16, 2005
El Árbol Dorado

Un árbol dorado. Inicia como todos los árboles. Una semilla en la buena tierra. La voluntad de crecer...el sol, la lluvia y el viento. Parte del grande y frondoso bosque, como los que ya casi no existen en estos días tristes. El árbol crece y crece. El viento lo abate. El sol lo quema. Las lluvias lo anegan. Pero sigue ahi, firme y grande. Los brotes crecen a su sombra. El verde resplandece sobre la hojarasca, y el el tímido sol llega hasta el suelo. El rocio los cubre cada mañana. La lluvia azota, pero solo un tintineo llega a ellos. Y así la luna se pone cientos de veces sobre el horizonte. El bosque crece, junto con todos. Los brotes ya no lo son más. Extienden sus raíces en el suelo. Elevan sus ramas al cielo. Ya no necesitan más la sombra. Deben ser capaces de soportar la lluvia, el sol, el viento....Deben crecer solos....
El árbol dorado no dará más sombra...su sombra es ahora la flor del nuevo bosque. Sus ramas no cubrirán más la lluvia....porque es tiempo de su descanso.....otros aprenderán a recibir al dulce y frío viento....y harán que el verde crezca de nuevo.
Las cobrizas hojas danzan con la música del otoño. Llega el tiempo...de volver al hogar.
viernes, octubre 14, 2005
This Road has too many paths.
Yes, it is. The road of life has too many paths. The worst thing for somebody like me, who has issues and troubles on making decisions. Being able to make a decision means that you know yourself and you know what youm want, what is good for you, what is not, what you like, and what you don't. The ability to make a choice also involves a well-formed criteria, and vision. What does it exactly means?. That when somebody makes a choice, that person is trying to see and plan the future.
How this exactly happens? Well, to do so, the most important aspect is to know what is wanted. In short terms or long terms, maybe the dinner for tonight or a 5-year investment, to make a choice is necessary to know what do you want at the end of that period of time.
It doesn't matter if it is a second, a month, a year.
It is pointless select a road, if the destination is unknown.
Please...somebody give me a map, and a compass...
But no one can give me a place to go...
How this exactly happens? Well, to do so, the most important aspect is to know what is wanted. In short terms or long terms, maybe the dinner for tonight or a 5-year investment, to make a choice is necessary to know what do you want at the end of that period of time.
It doesn't matter if it is a second, a month, a year.
It is pointless select a road, if the destination is unknown.
Please...somebody give me a map, and a compass...
But no one can give me a place to go...
martes, octubre 11, 2005
No hesitation.
No hesitation, no delay. You come on, just like Special K. Just like I swallowed half my stash, I never, ever, wanna crash....
No hesitation, no delay. You come on, just like Special K. Now you're back, and don't demand. I'm on sinking sand....
martes, octubre 04, 2005
Feel Sad...Feel Lonely...Feel Hopeless (Just as usual, but with more strenght)
Lonely, coward and insecure. That is my definition. Someone defined me that way today. Why? I don't know. I just know that all that is true. That's me. That always have been me. Me against everyone. Just me, the one who couldn't defeat his problems and issues. The one who cannot adapt to the world. The one who doesn't know what to do with his pitiful life. Someone whose life seems to be a big burden.
That's what I've been told. That's how life has been since now.
Afraid of myself.
Afraid of what I can be.
Afraid of what I am.
In one word....afraid.
And in spite of all these, days are beautiful. The sun shines. The wind blow. Life goes on. And it runs as the river does. Unstoppable. Everchanging. I just can't keep that speed. I'm not able to adapt.
Why am I writing these here. Maybe because I know that not to many people reads this page. Everybody is concerned in their own issues. But I am here, and besides all good wishes, I even feel lonely.
And I keep falling.
In these situations, it could be good to have a toad to lick.
But, although I like to make jokes about it and enjoy fantasy....reality is here.
Hurting me. Biting me. Piercing me like sharp needles. Cutting me with the cruel knife of disgrace.
And I can't do anything. I wasn't able to help myself or to help others in the past 23 years. What make me think that I will be able to do so now?
At this point, I don't need any help.
nothing in this world can help me.
That's what I've been told. That's how life has been since now.
Afraid of myself.
Afraid of what I can be.
Afraid of what I am.
In one word....afraid.
And in spite of all these, days are beautiful. The sun shines. The wind blow. Life goes on. And it runs as the river does. Unstoppable. Everchanging. I just can't keep that speed. I'm not able to adapt.
Why am I writing these here. Maybe because I know that not to many people reads this page. Everybody is concerned in their own issues. But I am here, and besides all good wishes, I even feel lonely.
And I keep falling.
In these situations, it could be good to have a toad to lick.
But, although I like to make jokes about it and enjoy fantasy....reality is here.
Hurting me. Biting me. Piercing me like sharp needles. Cutting me with the cruel knife of disgrace.
And I can't do anything. I wasn't able to help myself or to help others in the past 23 years. What make me think that I will be able to do so now?
At this point, I don't need any help.
nothing in this world can help me.
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